The results of the QS World Ranking of Universities (2024), which was announced in Dubai, UAE, during the QS World Forum, showed that Kuwait University ranked 851-900 out of a total of 2963 international universities, which is higher than its last year's ranking. Kuwait University has been keen to be an institution with clear and specific future visions and strategies. It draws its plans within a sustainable institutional framework that aspires to enhance quality, innovation, sustainability, and distinguished presence. To ensure the implementation of Kuwait University's strategy (2018-2023), enhance its effectiveness, and align it with the Kuwait Vision 2035 "New Kuwait", an integrated system for follow-up and measurement was built that contains accurate measurement indicators that contribute to identifying gaps compared to the desired goals and results. Kuwait University indicated that participating in international rankings is the result of organized and diligent institutional work according to a specific strategic vision and plan. Therefore, the classification is an outcome, not an end, measured annually within performance indicators to be used as a catalyst for development and upgrading. The goal remains to prepare Kuwait's youth to build a sustainable economy based on knowledge. This progress comes as a result of the efforts of the current university administration in preparing data and providing it to the institution and its continuous follow-up with classification institutions. Kuwait University also benefits from its previous experiences to promote a culture of quality and apply its standards in all academic, research and administrative practices to ensure the achievement of excellence in the outputs of higher education, scientific research, community services, and the administrative, financial and technical quality of the university. Kuwait University emphasizes that the enhancement of quality and classification is an institutional work that requires combined efforts and addressing shortcomings. Kuwait University will continue to improve its performance and participate in international rankings to create an atmosphere of positive competition.