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Prof. Eisa M. AlBalhan

Prof Eisa
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College Dean


Excellence in creating a globally standardized educational environment across various educational and psychological fields.


To lead in the fields of education and psychology through teaching, research, and innovation, contributing to the preparation and training of national cadres to support the advancement of scientific development in the State of Kuwait.


• To provide appropriate educational services to all categories of learners, including those with disabilities.
• To prepare and develop the human resources needed, including teachers, educators, specialists, and educational leaders, in accordance with the requirements of academic accreditation standards to align with global standards in teacher preparation.
• To direct educational scientific research and utilize its results to improve the educational reality, address societal challenges, and generally enhance community welfare.
• To partner with institutions and entities related to educational activities, as well as those involved in cultural, scientific, social, and psychological fields.
• To develop the skills necessary for the use of modern technology in the educational process.
• To make the college a regional leader in advancing the educational process.


Administrative and academic services that benefit students, faculty members and employees in the college.

College Council

The College Council meets at the invitation of its Chair. The meeting is valid only with the presence of two-thirds of its members. Decisions are made by a simple majority of the members present, and in the event of a tie, the Chair’s side prevails. The Council’s decisions are considered effective unless contested by the University President within fifteen days of receipt. If contested, the decision is returned to the College Council along with the President’s comments for further review. If the Council maintains its stance, the contested decision is referred to the University Council for deliberation at its next regular or special session. The University Council may approve, amend, or annul the decision, and its resolution is final. The College Council may form permanent or temporary committees from among its members or from outside.

Duties of the College Council

The College Council shall be responsible for considering matters related to the College, in particular:

The College Council is responsible for matters related to the College, including:
1. Proposing the appointment of faculty members, teaching assistants, and lecturers, including their secondment, delegation, and promotions.
2. Proposing study plans or modifications thereof, in coordination with the departments.
3. Proposing curricula, textbooks, and references for the College’s departments.
4. Encouraging and coordinating scientific research within the College’s departments and working to publish it.
5. Proposing examination schedules and establishing related regulations.
6. Proposing the internal regulations of the College.
7. Proposing training and scholarship plans necessary for the College.
8. Resolving student-related matters within its jurisdiction and making recommendations to the University Council on other issues.
9. Reviewing matters referred to it by the University Council or its Chair or Deputy for study and providing opinions.

 College's Council

NameJob TitleWork
Prof. Issa Mohammed Al-Balhan Acting Dean of the College of EducationChairman
Prof. Ghazi Onaizan Al-Rashidi Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Research and Graduate StudiesMember
Dr. Zaha Fahd Al-Suwailat Vice Dean for Planning, Consulting and TrainingMember
Dr. Maryam Ahmed Al-Madhkur Vice Dean for Student AffairsMember
Dr. Nuha Rashid Al-Ruwaished Head of the Department of Curriculum and InstructionMember
Prof. Rashid Ali Al-Sahl Head of the Department of Educational PsychologyMember
Dr. Ali Ahmed Al-Ansari Head of the Department of Educational Administration and PlanningMember
Dr. Muhammad Mahmoud Abdul-Ghafour Head of the Department of Foundations of EducationMember
Prof. Ghazi Onaizan Al-Rashidi Professors' RepresentativeMember
Dr. Kalthoum Muhammad Al-Kandari Representative of Associate ProfessorsMember
Dr. Ahood Nasser Al-HajriRepresentative of Assistant ProfessorsRapporteur