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Dr. Maryam A. Almathkour

Dr. Mariam
Office Location
Vice Dean for Student Affairs


The Office of Vice Dean for Student Affairs aims to achieve leadership and excellence in providing the best student and academic services.


To provide accurate guidance and counseling services to students and address the issues they encounter during their academic journey, in order to achieve the ultimate goals of the educational process at the university.


1. Increase academic awareness among students, particularly new students.
2. Develop the skills of office staff to provide the best services to students.
3. Prepare a comprehensive class schedule that meets the needs of the college's students.
4. Highlight the role of the Office of Guidance and Counseling.
5. Provide all guidance and academic services accurately.


1. Provide all guidance services throughout students' educational journeys.
2. Organize introductory and orientation meetings for new students about the university and college study system in collaboration with the college dean’s office.
3. Oversee the process of transfers and major declarations for college students and work on course equivalencies for students transferring from outside and within the college.
4. Review requests for suspension of enrollment, deferral of admission, and withdrawal from regular and previous semesters.
5. Oversee the procedures for deferring final exams for students.
6. Monitor changes to graduation records by the college or other colleges, and work on course equivalencies for students transferring from outside and within the college.
7. Conduct studies for students who are dismissed or under warning from the university, prepare their files, and present them to the relevant committees.
8. Prepare statistics related to the college's students.
9. Participate in the registration process and finalize student schedules.
10. Contribute to various administrative and technical committees within the college. 11. Prepare and verify the college timetable in coordination with the academic departments and establish related regulations. 12. Supervise the organization of student activities and programs within the college.

Electronic Forms Students should fill out and send the electronic forms to the following email address:

- (Cheating Regulation at Kuwait University) 
- (Student University Regulation at Kuwait University)
- (Course Regulation)
- (Regulation for Summer Studies at Kuwait University)
- (Regulation for Organizing Scholarships at Kuwait University) 
- (Executive Regulation of Law No. 10 of 1995 Regarding Student Grants at Kuwait University) 
- (Regulation for the Founding of Scientific Associations at Kuwait University) 
- (Regulation for Publications of Scientific Associations at Kuwait University) 
- (Academic Student Exchange Regulation) 
- (Regulation for Professional Clubs Associated with Academic Departments at Kuwait University) 
- (Distance Learning Regulation When Traditional Study is Not Feasible at Kuwait University)